3 Bedroom1 Bathroom8 Garage
Set on 172 hectares is a perfect Plantation opportunity for a solid future! Only a few minutes for the town or just over 1 hour from Melbourne GPO This property has excellent stands of vigorous plantation timber, , this is an excellent opportunity to acquire a freehold business that has shown significant returns. PLANTATION Includes: * Blue gums & sugar gums (pop) *13000 trees 2004 Planted 28000 blue gums 12-15 years old can be cut * Tasmania blue gums soft * Sydney blue gum hard & red wood * 3 slots altogether for Blue Gums * Total 64000 trees, 60 cm deep soil preparing for tree Land size : 425 aces. 172 hec 150 hec for trees 22 hec for house 3 SHEDS / WORKSHOPS: 18 foot x 40 foot shed , 18 foot x 30 foot shed , 40 foot x 20 foot. Shed * 120000 litre water tank / Town water available / Creek running through the property is a plus Homestead: 4brm , 2 Bathrooms , 3 car Garage.
For more information, please contact Laura Sun on 0414237778 E: laura.sun@balancerealestate.com.au, Balance Business & Real Estate Suite 108, 737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, T: 03 9939-5659 W: www.balancerealestate.com.au, E: balancecc@outlook.com
Balance Business & Real Estate
- 03 9939-5659
- balancecc@outlook.com
- www.balancerealestate.com.au
- Suite 108, 737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, Vic 3123