-The total land area is 80 acres, including 30 acres are planted with vines. -Grape varieties are: 16.5 acres Shiraz, 4.5 acres Cabernet Sauvignon, 3 acres Cabernet Franc, 3 acres Durif, 3 acres Viognier -There is potential to plant another 30-40 acres of vines. -There is a 30 square house that was built in 2010. This house has a 2.8 kW solar system installed on the roof. -There is a cellar door/bistro that was also built in 2010. The cellar door has cool room facilities. Highly profitable wines sales are achieved at the cellar door. -Sheds and machinery. Asking Price:$2,800,000 + Stock.
For more information, please contact Laura Sun on 0414237778 E: laura.sun@balancerealestate.com.au, Balance Business & Real Estate Suite 108, 737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, T: 03 9939-5659 W: www.balancerealestate.com.au, E: balancecc@outlook.com
Balance Business & Real Estate
- 03 9939-5659
- balancecc@outlook.com
- www.balancerealestate.com.au
- Suite 108, 737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, Vic 3123