- One and half house away from Melbourne toward southeast.
- Total land area is 40 acres, 16 hec
- Currently, leased at $250 per acre per year for grazing and more for cropping.
- Fully fenced into 7 paddocks all with water troughs
- Rich volcanic red soil idea to grow veggies
- Three dams, 3 sheds and 3 rain water tanks up to 30,000 litres
- Unlimited water from spring fed dam with electric pump.
- A house is fully renovated 4 bedrooms, study, 2 bathrooms, 3 toilets, ducted heating/aircon throughout also wood heater and 2 split systems with 15kw solar, double-glazed windows
- Concrete drive and surrounds of the house
- Good spot to raise children in regional area with surrounded by public and private schools.
Great opportunity to starting a farming business or a life style can’t afford to miss.
For more info, please call Penny Tran on 0478191101. E: penny.tran@balancerealestate.com, Balance Business & Real Estate Suite 108, 737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, T: 03 9939-5659 W: www.balancerealestate.com.au, E: balancecc@outlook.com
Penny H Tran
Balance Business & Real Estate
- 03 9939-5659
- balancecc@outlook.com
- www.balancerealestate.com.au
- Suite 108, 737 Burwood Road, Hawthorn East, Vic 3123
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